Next Generation


Healthy and beautiful -
Prod­ucts for a good environment

The pol­lu­tion of our oceans by vast amounts of plas­tic waste and microplas­tics have shak­en us awake and moti­vat­ed us to achieve sus­tain­able pos­i­tive effects for peo­ple and the envi­ron­ment with an inde­pen­dent line of com­plete­ly pol­lu­tant-free tex­tiles and to work active­ly on a sus­tain­able solu­tion to this seri­ous problem.

Under the mot­to: “Where no tox­ic ingre­di­ents come in, none come out!” all tex­tiles car­ried under the OceanSafe qual­i­ty label are com­plete­ly biodegrad­able and thus become nutri­ents for future gen­er­a­tions after use.

No mat­ter what the future holds, OceanSafe prod­ucts are ready for it. Whether they are degrad­ed in the bio­log­i­cal cycle or reprocessed into equiv­a­lent prod­ucts through chem­i­cal recy­cling, OceanSafe is always a nutri­ent for the bios­phere or the technosphere.

Deco Design Fürus offers a com­plete sys­tem for cur­tain fab­rics, so that even acces­sories such as cur­tain tape, cur­tain lad­der, labels, etc. can be kept in the bio­log­i­cal cycle from a mono-material.

New to our range is the first dimout — unique in the world — that is flame retar­dant AND “Cra­dle to Cra­dle Cer­ti­fied™ Gold”.

This means that the recy­clable object mate­r­i­al nev­er becomes waste and can be kept in the bio­log­i­cal cycle. The spe­cial­ly devel­oped naNea poly­mers allow the cur­tain to be safe for the bio­log­i­cal cycle and can also be chem­i­cal­ly recy­cled in the future. These vision­ary prop­er­ties do not yet exist on the market.

A true cycle

Tex­tiles are among the most impor­tant con­sumer goods world­wide. Due to their inten­sive use (clean­ing, wash­ing) and their short life cycle, they are a major source of microplas­tics in the envi­ron­ment. Con­sid­er­ing from the begin­ning the com­plete prod­uct cycle with the claim of not cre­at­ing any fur­ther waste in the con­ven­tion­al sense, prod­ucts must be able to be rein­tro­duced into the bio­log­i­cal cycle. This is the idea of the Cra­dle to Cra­dle Cer­ti­fied™ prin­ci­ple on which Ocean Safe prod­ucts are based.

There­fore, all OceanSafe prod­ucts can be ful­ly recy­cled into the bio­log­i­cal cycle and are 100 per­cent degrad­able, includ­ing their acces­sories from yarn to but­tons. The tex­tiles are processed into fin­ished prod­ucts in audit­ed sewing work­shops and delivered.

After use, the prod­ucts can be returned. OceanSafe con­verts the returned prod­ucts into nutri­ent and bio­gas through indus­tri­al com­post­ing or chem­i­cal recy­cling. The nutri­ent obtained is the basis for any new raw material.