flame retar­dant

myFR collection

FR tex­tiles for the con­tract market

High-qual­i­ty struc­tures, trans­par­ent tex­tiles and in-betweens form the basis of our myFR prop­er­ty col­lec­tion, sup­ple­ment­ed by an attrac­tive selec­tion of dim-out fabrics.

Our range now also fea­tures the world’s first – and only – dim-out fab­ric that is both flame retar­dant AND Cra­dle to Cra­dle Cer­ti­fied™ Gold.

In oth­er words, the recy­clable fur­nish­ing fab­ric nev­er turns into waste and can remain in the bio­log­i­cal cycle. Spe­cial­ly devel­oped naNea poly­mers keep the cur­tain safe for the bio­log­i­cal cycle and can be chem­i­cal­ly recy­cled in the future. No oth­er fab­ric in the mar­ket fea­tures these vision­ary properties.

  • Intel­li­gent tex­tiles with smart addi­tion­al benefits
  • Per­ma­nent­ly flame retardant
  • Dimouts, net cur­tains, dec­o­rat­ing and acoustic fabrics
  • MyFR OceanSafe tex­tiles are biodegrad­able and safe for the bio­log­i­cal cycle